Coronavirus advice for BID’s

A comprehensive guide to assist all BIDs during the Covid_19 Pandemic

Update 01.07.2021

pfbb UK has put together a comprehensive guide to assist all BIDs to advise businesses with the help that is currently available to them during the COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 Preparing your business for return to work

For the latest official guidance, here are some useful links

  • Public Health England (latest general advice) click HERE
  • Public Health England (updated daily with number of cases and risk level in the UK) HERE
  • Public Health England blog (this is regularly updated) click HERE
  • NHS click HERE
  • World Health Organization (WHO) click HERE

More specific guidance in relation to employees, employers and businesses

  • Public Health England HERE
  • World Health Organization (WHO) HERE
  • Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) HERE
  • Coronavirus campaign government resources (posters and materials) HERE